Basically, there are two possible builds for a Restoration Druid. Moonglow 5/0/46 This is the basic build for all beginners. Since there are no really useful talents in the higher feral or balance trees, just cover all the useful restoration talents and put the remaining 5 points into ...
Well as you can see by looking at the talents rolling the 735 spec allows for less talents into the restoration tree. While some people may say well “those are just useless talents” they could not be further from the truth. Everything in the 856 spec is meant to maximize all our ...
Casters: Moonkin, Elemental Shaman and Shadow Priests have no talents to prevent spell pushback, which can sharply reduce their DPS in some fights. They will benefit the most from Earth Shield to boost DPS. Destruction warlocks have 70% resistance with talents. Elemental shaman with four pieces...