Restoration Druid– A druid healing using mainly the Restoration Tree, and most of the time Tree of Life (see The Talents). Dreamstate Druid– A druid healing using a mix of the restoration and balance tree (see The Talents). NS – Nature’s Swiftness. A 21point talent in the restoration...
Staves and off-hands are also more beneficial to priests and druids.In which group should I put a resto shaman?If there is no enhancement shaman in the raid, put a resto shaman in the melee group with the rogues and warriors for the Windfury Totem. The increased DPS a resto shaman can...
Because my Night Elf Druid did the Night Elf Heritage questline, my Night Elf Mage can wear the armor. She can’t use the “Ama’shan” title, though. I’m not sure if she just has to reach level 50 (she is currently 30-something), or if she actually has to do the questline ...