Restoration Druid– A druid healing using mainly the Restoration Tree, and most of the time Tree of Life (see The Talents). Dreamstate Druid– A druid healing using a mix of the restoration and balance tree (see The Talents). NS – Nature’s Swiftness. A 21point talent in the restoration...
Druids have the most powerful mana regeneration in the game. I have yet to go oom in any 25H raid. Besides gemming for 2 or 3 spirit gems are not going to have a big impact on your mana return.Socket bonuses? NO. Hit them where you can but do not gem all your gear to hit ...
Between not having a lot to say about druid healing, everyone being at the end of an expansion, and other things pre-occupying my mind I guess I just sort of fell into radio silence here. It’s not that I don’t have anything to say (believe me, I have thoughts on how I feel ...
If the cloth or leather gear has spirit, it’s probably of more use to a priest or druid. Staves and off-hands are also more beneficial to priests and druids.In which group should I put a resto shaman?If there is no enhancement shaman in the raid, put a resto shaman in the melee...