Caesarsalad 94 posts 120 Troll Druid 3765 Aug 2019 Hey! Would love to have you apart of our guild for classic. Feel free to read up on our forum and check out our discord where you can find more information about the guild. Our raid times fit your schedule. Pals for Life|H/Whiteman...
spec’d resto. I’d like to find a fun, social guild that I can level with, and then continue to raiding with. As a raider, I stay up to date with theory crafting, BiS lists, consumables, but I also like to joke around a lot and have fun. I’ll prob ...
NFU玩家社区为魔兽怀旧服玩家制作的各阶段最好的60级BIS装备出处,以及武器附魔毕业搭配以帮助你准备团队副本。U19 U29 U39 U49 60级BIS装备 tbc bis WLK bis 分享大厅 1 (pre-raid) 2 (pre-raid) 2 3 4 5 6 职业专精如果您认为此BIS不对,请提交您认为正确的BIS装帮助改进发布BIS配装 >> ...
NFU玩家社区为魔兽怀旧服玩家制作的各阶段最好的60级BIS装备出处,以及武器附魔毕业搭配以帮助你准备团队副本。U19 U29 U39 U49 60级BIS装备 tbc bis WLK bis 分享大厅 1 (pre-raid) 2 (pre-raid) 2 3 4 5 6 职业专精如果您认为此BIS不对,请提交您认为正确的BIS装帮助改进发布BIS配装 >> ...