As the term describes, resting heart rate refers to the rate at which your heart beats at rest, measured in the number of times your heart beats in a minute. Your resting heart rate should be the lowest heart rate that you experience in a day, as any physical activity or movement will...
Nevertheless, there was a dose dependent effect on the cardiovascular parameters heart rate (Fig. 7b) and pulse distention (Fig. 7c), a measure of vessel pulsatility, and thus related to blood pressure. Both parameters significantly decreased as a function of the isoflurane dose. SCIEnTIfIC...
Respiration and pulse rates were simultaneously recorded during the rsfMRI scan. Anatomic Imaging Preprocessing The T1 data, including brain extraction and parcellation of data, were processed into a standard set of anatomically based regions of white and gray matter (FreeSurfer, version 5.3; http:/...
schizophrenia patients displayed hypoactivation during execution of familiar gestures within the premotor cortices (bilateral SMA, pre-SMA and cingulate motor areas)58. However, altered gesture production in schizophrenia has in addition been associated with ...
The individual day-time minima were 58% and 50% respectively. The frequency distribution of maxima and minima preferably showed two peaks at about 12-h intervals. In contrast to the reduction or suppression of the nocturnal increase of the coupling rate, the mean ratio between pulse and ...
A T1-weighted structural image was acquired using a three-dimensional volume MPRAGE pulse sequence covering 176 axial slices of 1 mm thickness. Images were preprocessed using SPM8 ( Images were corrected for slice timing effects and realigned to the mean ...
For each subject resting state EPI images were acquired using standard blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) contrast [gradient-echo EPI pulse sequence]. Prior to further processing (using SPM8, the first four images were discarded allowing for magnetic field saturation...
Respiration and pulse rates were simultaneously recorded during the rsfMRI scan. Anatomic Imaging Preprocessing The T1 data, including brain extraction and parcellation of data, were processed into a standard set of anatomically based regions of white and gray matter (FreeSurfer, version 5.3; http:/...
A comprehensive list of inclusion/exclusion criteria is provided in Voineskos et al.37. Electroconvulsive therapy ECT was administered 2–3 times per week according to an open label protocol using a brief-pulse device delivering square-wave pulses (MECTA Corporation, Lake Oswego, OR). Subjects ...
High-resolution anatomical images were acquired using a T1-weighted spoiled gradient-recalled at steady-state (SPGR) pulse sequence (TR = 8.2 ms, TE = 3.4 s, TI = 450 and flip angle of 12°). The anatomical images had an in-plane resolution of 256 × 256 with a square field of view...