12. a thing or place on which to put something for support or to steady it; prop 13. (Billiards & Snooker) billiards snooker any of various special poles used as supports for the cue in shots that cannot be made using the hand as a support 14. come to rest to slow down and stop ...
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life, Find out moreFind out more Thru the Bible The whole Word to the whole world. Learn more Love worth Finding Adrian Rogers has introduced people al...
In Singapore, the practice of divorce through talaq now required the confirmation of the Shariah court, and no longer rested solely on a husband's word 目前,在新加坡通过talaq离婚需要伊斯兰教法法院的确认,不再只是依丈夫所言。 MultiUn The rest, 13.6 per cent of the subsistence minimum (5,...
‘Oh, God!’ I whispered, inhaling sharply as I pictured Jesus hanging on the cross. ‘You get it! Your Son died!’ I swallowed, tasting for the first time the pain God endured when He sacrificed His son so I could know Him. Unlike Jesus, my daughter wasn’t dead. She was well, ...
But tea painstakingly cold, most can fall the fire.The fire is all the various illnesses, the fire falls then on clear.However the fire has five times, has the actual situation.The young and strong stomach strengthens the human painstakingly, fire of the cardiopulmonary taste is abundant, ther...
‘God is our refuge and strength, An ever-present help in trouble.’ Ah, trouble. That’s where it begins—when stillness seems the most impossible, yet is the most crucial. I read on, images leaping off the page to strike me with their power. The earth trembles and implodes. Mountain...
This article focuses on the nonprofit organization American Bible Society (ABS). Few nonprofits have such a long, illustrious history as the American Bible Society, whose simple goal is to spread the word of God. The charity sits on a $620 million endowment. ABS's fundraising efficiency is ...
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Then he came to the disciples and said to them, “Sleep and take your rest later on. See, the hour is at hand, and the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners. Berean Standard Bible Then He returned to the disciples and said, “Are you still sleeping and resting? Look,...
Scripture Meditations on: 2 Corinthians12DoCabidingbookCallingCovenantDanieldependenceDeuteronomyEphesiansFaithfulnessGather 'Round the FablesHymnsI Johnimage of GodInheritanceIsaiahJeremiahJobJohnkingdomlifelightLukeMatthewmeditationMeditation ChallengeonenessPodcastpowerprayerPromise's PrayerProverbsPsalmsreleaserestResurrecti...