The LORD Almighty. The LORD All Mighty. Wars may come, rulers may rise, but the LORD determines their end—all over the earth. And He takes every weapon of warfare in hand, rending them powerless. He says, ‘Be still—everything and everyone. Cease! See and understand that I am God....
Ah, trouble. That’s where it begins—when stillness seems the most impossible, yet is the most crucial. I read on, images leaping off the page to strike me with their power. The earth trembles and implodes. Mountains rumble and crash into a wild, foaming sea. I see it in my mind—...
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Financial, Encyclopedia. Related to resting position: resting position of handpo·si·tion (pə-zĭsh′ən) n. 1. A place or location. 2. a. The right or appropriate place: The bands are in position for the parade's start. b. A strategic ...
Over the past decade, researchers have primarily focused on the neuro-psychological characteristics of individuals with EDs. Consistent findings in the literature indicate that these patients often exhibit poor decision-making abilities, high levels of cognitive rigidity, impaired set-shifting, and visual-...
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder defined by social communication impairments and repetitive behaviors [1], but also by extreme heterogeneity in symptom severity, cognitive functioning, comorbid conditions, and medical involvement. Increasingly, the field of ASD research has ...
Resting state EEG was assessed via an eyes open (EO) resting experiment, with the following introduction: “You are going to watch short movies and then rest your eyes.” The experiment consisted of three runs of 6 × 16 second blocks of videos (dynamic screen saver type images that had ...
72nd flight on January 18, 2024. The Ingenuity team has nicknamed the spot where the helicopter completed its final flight “Valinor Hills” after the fictional location in J.R.R. Tolkien’s fantasy novels, which include “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU...
Lord et al.2017). The brain balances its ability to integrate and easily transmit information throughout the network, and to segregate information processing in clusters of highly interconnected (specialized) neighboring nodes (Bullmore and Sporns2009). This ability of the brain for integration and...
both cases, the diagnosis was made by expert psychiatrists and clinical psychologists (not directly involved in this study) using CIE-10, DSM-IV, and DSM-V. In each referral private center, the diagnosis was confirmed using Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-Generic (ADOS-G; Lord et al....
In DMD patients, the level of connectivity was higher in areas within the control DMN (hyperconnectivity) and significant connectivity was found in areas outside the control DMN. No hypoconnectivity was found and no differences in the visual network, executive control network and fronto-parietal ...