Learn more about the Android.Health.Connect.DataTypes.RestingHeartRateRecord.BpmMax in the Android.Health.Connect.DataTypes namespace.
Measurement of systemic physiological parameters. For physiological parameter measurement, the left hind limb of the mouse was shaved and a fiber optic pulse oximeter (MouseOx, STARR Life Science, Oakmont, USA) fixed to the flank in order to record heart rate (in beats per minute, bpm), ...
Resting heart rate (RHR) has prognostic implications in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction, where ≤70bpm is targeted. Whether a RHR>70bpm assessed within clinical practice goes along with elevated cardiovascular risk in implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) / cardiac resynchronization ...
Within this cohort, we identified two sub-groups based on their reading ability levels: ten typical (mean age = 36 ± 11, age range = 20–53, 4 Male, 6 Female) and ten struggling (mean age = 46 ± 13, age range = 20–60, 4 Male, 6 Female) readers....
(polar ft1, polar usa, port washington, ny, usa), while age-predicted maximal heart rate (mhr) was determined. exercise target heart rate (thr) was calculated using the karvonen equation [thr = ((mhr − rhr) % intensity) + mhr] [ 3 ]. during each exercise bout, heart ...
Learn more about the Android.Health.Connect.DataTypes.RestingHeartRateRecord.BpmAvg in the Android.Health.Connect.DataTypes namespace.
METHODS. Forty-two healthy normotensive adults (22 male, 20 female, [Mean ± SD], age 31 ± 14 years, height 170 ± 10 cm, mass 75 ± 16 kg, systolic [SBP], 120 ± 5 mmHg, diastolic [DBP], 72 ± 7 mmHg, mean arterial [MAP], 88 ± 6 mmHg, heart rate [HR[ 67 ± 12 ...
Learn more about the Android.Health.Connect.DataTypes.RestingHeartRateRecord.BpmMin in the Android.Health.Connect.DataTypes namespace.
RestingHeartRateRecord.BpmAvg 屬性 參考 意見反應 定義 命名空間: Android.Health.Connect.DataTypes 組件: Mono.Android.dll C# 複製 [Android.Runtime.Register("BPM_AVG", ApiSince=34)] public static Android.Health.Connect.DataTypes.AggregationType BpmAvg { get; } 屬性值 AggregationType 屬...
For physiological parameter measurement, the left hind limb of the mouse was shaved and a fiber optic pulse oximeter (MouseOx, STARR Life Science, Oakmont, USA) fixed to the flank in order to record heart rate (in beats per minute, bpm), pulse distention (in μm), and oxygen saturation ...