Mar. Mamm. Sci 22(3):714-718. doi: /10.1111/j.1748-7692.2006.00055.xBertelsen MF, Acquarone M, Born EW. Resting heart and respiratory rate in wild adult male walruses (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus). Mar Mamm Sci. 2006; 22(3):714-718....
Jensen-Urstad et al.10 reported night time heart rates of o30 beats min À 1 in male elite runners. A heart rate of B30 beats min À 1 is o50% of the heart rate of sedentary individuals (B70 beats min À 1). In the present study, the heart rate of the trained rats and ...
关键词:正常高值血压;静息心率;心血管危险因素;交感神经Study on the correlation between Resting Heart Rate and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in High-normal Blood Pressure PeopleAbstractObjective:The collection of high normal blood pressure in body mass index, fasting blood glucose, blood lipid, creatinine...
The O2Ppeak estimated equation was developed using multiple linear regression models, O2Ppeak = 30.394 + 0.083 x body mass (kg) - 0.090 x resting heart rate (bpm) - 0.157 x age (years) - 2.710 x gender (1 = male, 2 = female) - 0.035 x systolic blood pressure (mmHg). The equation...
(derivation, 3640; validation, 6329) ECG Risk Score including frontal T axis, corrected QT interval, T axis, heart rate, age, sex, age×sex interactionn Published coefficient and model development FRS, PCE, and FRS variableso Total:55.3(10.1) NR 5255(53) Derivation: 402 (11)Validation: ...
midline and right centro-parietal electrodes in the young- and old-training groups. Moreover, increased alpha power (8–14 Hz) was found at fronto-central electrode sites by training in both age-groups. No changes were detected from pre- to post-training in the young- and old-control ...
The epidemiology of resting heart rate in a male working population: association with blood pressure, age, smoking habits and other cardiovascular risk factors - Fogari, Zoppi, et al. - 1997Fogari R,Zoppi A,Marasi G,et al.The epidemiology of resting heart rate in a male working population:...
Objectives To analyze the association between resting heart rate and blood pressure in male children and adolescents and to identify if this association is mediated by important confounders. Study design Cross-sectional study carried out with 356 male children and adolescents from 8 to 18 years old....
Low Resting Heart Rate as a Risk Factor for Male Offending in an East Asian PopulationTang, Simone
Kristal-Boneh E, Silber H, Harari G, et al. The association of resting heart rate with cardiovascular, cancer and all-cause mortality: eight year follow-up of 3527 male Israeli employees (the CORDIS Study). Eur Heart J 2000;1:116e24....