在这一章,我将概述一个具体的REST式架构——面向资源的架构(Resource-Oriented Architecture,ROA)。ROA是一种把实际问题转换成REST式Web服务的方法:它令URI、HTTP和XML具有跟其他Web应用一样的工作方式,令程序员们容易使用它们。 在第1章,我根据REST式Web服务(RESTful web services)在两个问题上的不同做法来对它们...
On the other hand, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Web Services concept is very popular today in context of providing loosely coupled Systems of Systems. One of the major improvements in the most recent HLA standard, IEEE 1516.2010-HLA Evolved, is definition of the web services API ...
RESTful web services are built to work best on the Web. Representational State Transfer (REST) is an architectural style that specifies constraints, such as the uniform interface, that if applied to a web service induce desirable properties, such as performance, scalability, and modifiability, that...
方法信息是放在HTTP方法里的, 这是人人都知道的方法,这是统一接口(uniform interface)原则。 这一章里作者引入了一个概念,ROA(Resource-Oriented Architecture),面向资源架构。这是因为用REST架构这个词,争议太多了。 那么, 这里讲的就是关于ROA的四个概念: 1.资源 2. 资源的名称(URI)3. 资源的表示 4. 资源间...
ROA:面向资源架构(Resource-Oriented Architecture) RESTful web services:REST式Web服务 HTTP方法(HTTP method):GET 获取、HEAD、PUT 改写、DELETE 删除、POST 路径(path):URI里主机名(hostname)后面的部分 请求报头(request headers):是一组键值对(key-value pairs),起元数据的(metadata)作用。有8个报头:Host、Us...
Chapter 4. The Resource-Oriented Architecture I’ve shown you the power of REST, but I haven’t shown you in any systematic way how that power is structured or how to expose … - Selection from RESTful Web Services [Book]
对于多个Web应用采用的架构,我们只能说其中某一个比其它的更具有REST风格,而不能简单粗暴地说:“它采用了REST架构而其它的没有”。为了将REST真正地落地,Lenoard Rechardson & Sam Ruby在《RESTful Web Services》一书中提出了一种名为“面向资源的架构(ROA: Resource Oriented Architecture)”。该书中介绍了一些...
The JAX-RS API for developing RESTful web services is a Java programming language API designed to make it easy to develop applications that use the REST architecture. The JAX-RS API uses Java programming language annotations to simplify the development of RESTful web services. Developers decorate ...