Further reading –Flask API Tutorial Just remember, it may be possible that you are not able to answer all questions in the interview but whatever you answer should be accurate. Your basic concept should be strong and your confidence level should be high. All the best!!
Top 20 Web services interview questions Java Serialization interview questions and answers Immutable class interview questions Spring interview questions and answers for experienced Top 40+ Hibernate interview questions and answers Java Collections interview questions and answers RESTful web services JAXRS json...
We can create SOAP web services using JAX-WS API, however some of the other frameworks that can be used are Apache Axis and Apache CXF. Note that they are not implementations of JAX-WS API, they are totally different framework that work on Servlet model to expose your business logic classe...
For an internal application, this kind of testing will usually run as a late step in a Continuous Integration process, consuming the REST API after it has already been deployed. When testing a REST resource, there are usually a few orthogonal responsibilities the tests should focus on: the HTT...
Web Service - Interview Questions Blog Archive ▼2024(347) ►December(9) ►October(86) ▼September(74) When to use PUT or POST in a RESTful API and Web S... Top 6 Docker Courses for Java and Microservices De... Top 7 Courses to Learn PyTorch and Keras for Begin... ...
Yii2.0 快速搭建RestfulApi教程首先是安装yii2配置nginx,开启伪静态 配置config/web.php单独创建API应用在api中创建目录结构 新建api接口共用日志...API应用 单独创建API应用,目的是便于维护,可以避免以下问题 配置的冲突控制器的命名不便 url美化规则冲突 分工明确index为前台目录;admin为后台目录;api为api接口目录在 ...
使用ApiPost 的Path变量方便的测试restful接口 restful的接口格式似乎是一阵风,到处都在说,这种风格的确很有意义,类似: http://example.com/api/users/1 //GET 获取标识为1用户信息 ApiPost支持把像这样的restful风格链接中的uid也就是1作为参数单独提出来,这样的话比较方便调试和解释。 只需要把URL路径中的ID设...
interview-preparation java javaguide open-source-project snippets system-design basis pictures RESTfulAPI.md naming.md refactoring.md software-engineering.md unit-test.md framework security J2EE基础知识.md design-pattern.md schedule-task.md system-design-questions.md web-real-time-message-push.md tools...
In the previous article Getting Started in Web API, we have learned the basic infrastructure of API and multiple clients which can consume API. Now, we will discuss here the architecture of Restful API and we will also get an overview of ASP.NET Web API introduction. What is REST REST is...
servlet-api</artifactId> <version>3.1.0</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework</groupId> <artifactId>spring-core</artifactId> <version>${spring.version}</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework</groupId> <artifactId>spring-webmvc</artifact...