服务端API About get Files create.content create.multipart create.resume resume update.patchcontent update.putcontent update.patchmultipart update.putmultipart update.patchresume update.putresume list create get.content get.metadata delete update copy subscribe emptyRecycle ...
用于RESTful 服务的 Java API(JAX-RS) 用于RESTful 服务的 Java API 提供了用于构建和开发基于 REST 架构风格的应用程序的可移植 API。使用 JAX-RS,Java POJO 可以作为 RESTful web 资源公开,这些资源独立于底层技术,并使用基于注释的简单 API。 JAX-RS 2.0 是规范的最新版本,与其前身 JAX-RS 1.0 相比,在以下...
resume-policy Command 10.14 okv backup destination suspend-policy Command 10.15 okv backup destination update Command 10.16 okv backup destination get-public-key Command 7-12 7-16 8-1 8-2 8-4 8-5 8-6 8-7 9-1 9-3 9-7 9-10 9-12 9-14 9-15 9-16 9-17 10-3 10-6 10-7 10-...
When API designers defne the URI templates for their API, they are in fact designing a custom query language for the API. API的设计者在设计API的URL模版时,实际上是在定义用户对于资源的查询语句 两种URL风格的对比: 构建具有关系的查询URL
This is the biggest challenge in web API design: bridging the semantic gap between understanding a documentâs structure and understanding what it means. As a shorthand, Iâm going to call it the semantic challenge. Very little progress has been made on the semantic challenge,...
Your caching layer best fits near the rim of your API’s architecture. That makes it easy to deliver any common requested for cached responses. Making your representation layer as friendly for the developer to work with is essential. But you want to do this without hindering any of the backe...
One of the best features about the OneDrive REST API, for me, is the ability to resume downloads by using the HTTP Range header to specify the range of the bytes not yet downloaded. I don’t know how many times I’ve used other services and had a download interrupted by an u...
("http", // HTTP scheme null, // user info "api.search.yahoo.com", // host 80, // port "/NewsSearchService/V1/newsSearch", // path qs, // query string null); // fragment // Add the appropriate port s.addPort(portName, HTTPBinding.HTTP_BINDING, address.toString()); // ...
RESTful-Microservices mit einer Programmiersprache erstellen. Grundlegende Konzepte hinter Datenpersistenz, z.B. CRUD-Vorgänge. Erleben Sie die Erstellung eines HTML/Javascript-Clients mit jQuery.js oder ähnlichen Technologien. Mitarbeiterklasse entwickeln ...
Here are the main RESTful verbs that allow curl to use a REST API: POST: This RESTful verb creates a new resource on the server. If successful, the POST action returns code 201 for “Created” and provides a link to the new reference. Failure codes include 404 for “Not Found”, or ...