地点: Norwalk, CT 时间: 兼职赚钱,时间灵活 描述 在Norwalk,除了传统的开车派送工作,您还有其他选择。 如果您正在Norwalk谋求一份派送员工作,不妨考虑通过优步提供派送服务。您可以自主安排时间,在拥有海量活跃用户的平台上接载乘客或提供派送服务。 在Norwalk通过 Uber Eats 优食提供派送服务,灵活安排时间并赚取收入。
Connecticut Show up atHoodoo Brown'sin Ridgefield on a summer weekend — sun shining, smoke wafting out into the narrow valley funneling Route 7 between Danbury and Norwalk. You'll get that sense, rather immediately, that you're in the presence of something special. Even in the middle of th...