These restaurants in Eau Claire, WI, are helping to create a new Midwest capital of cool, from The Lakely to The Informalist.
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Charleston.Follansbee.Huntington.Martinsburg.Morgantown.Parkersburg.Proctor.Westover.Wheeling Wisconsin WI Appleton.Beloit.Eau Claire.Green Bay.Kenosha.La Crosse.Madison.Milwaukee.Neenah.Oshkosh.Racine.Sheboygan.Superior.Wausau.Wisconsin Dells Wyoming WY Casper.Cheyenne.Laramie...
Wisconsin Dells Restaurants Will Have Your Mouth Watering So many of our restaurants in Wisconsin Dells are locally owned and one-of-a-kind, which means the food is made fresh and with plenty of love. Indulge in a steak dinner at one of the area's famous supper clubs or other fine dinin...