Back in the Day Bakery (Savannah) (2012)Cakes & Ale (Decatur) (2014)Empire State South (Atlanta) (2013)General Muir, The (Atlanta) (2014)Grey, The (Savannah) (2019)Grey Market, The (Savannah) (2019)Holeman & Finch Public House (Atlanta) (2010)Lady & Sons (Savannah) (2012)Miller ...
Celebrated wine country chef Douglas Keane has returned to the fore with his re-launch of Cyrus in Geyserville. Dinner is an ebullient experience that progresses from canapes and Champagne in the lounge, to small bites in the kitchen, and concludes with substantial compositions in the dining room...
Did you know that Kyoto station isn't just a transportation hub but also a cultural hub, especially for Kyoto-based Japanese food ? Yes, I must admit Kyoto station is overwhelmingly modern, and there's no hint of tradition. That's right in terms of its building, but it's not the case...
HABT上个季度的净利只是: $3.0M, 可能增加$3.x m的人员成本,HABT是不是要转盈为亏了?! 可是,涨工资后,老板第一反应是甚么? 当然是: 涨价! 我以平均推算的方式,大约推算大LA地区的营收 HABT大LA地区目前有43家,占全部123家店的35% HABT上季度的营收54.6m,LA平均推算约19m的营收 如果HABT要平衡这3m...