O'Rourke's Diner - Middletown, CT (Aired on the Food Network in January 2009) Facebook O'Rourke's Diner - Middletown, CT (Aired on the Food Network in January 2009) O'Rourke'sis one of Connecticut's good-ole-fashioned diners featuring dishes with a strong Irish influence and traditional...
O'Rourke's Diner - Middletown, CT (Aired on the Food Network in January 2009) Facebook O'Rourke's Diner - Middletown, CT (Aired on the Food Network in January 2009) O'Rourke'sis one of Connecticut's good-ole-fashioned diners featuring dishes with a strong Irish influence and trad...
Looking at Bouillon Duval, which began as a soup restaurant, also dispels a bit of romanticism about French restaurants. As much as Duvals emphasized quality, they were eating places for the frugal masses, not temples of haute cuisine. In the beginning they were meant for poor workmen, but ...
Middlesex County CT Restaurants Cromwell, Essex, Middletown, Old Saybrook New London County CT Restaurants New London, Uncasville, Norwich, North Stonington, Mystic Village, Old Lyme CT Resorts|CT Pet Friendly Lodging|Vacation Rentals Inns|Hotels|Resorts ...
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