If you are planning to create, edit or adapt an employee safety manual, seek assistance from a recognised health and safety expert and/or the Health and Safety Executive. Commitment to Safety Page 3recognises that our people drive the business. As the most critical resource, employees will be...
Any time an employee becomes ill, it poses a safety risk for your guests and staff. Take the proper precautions with any sickness, but be on the lookout for certain pathogens that are notorious for spreading foodborne illness in foodservice environments. Employees should notify a manager if they...
First up, the case for and against creating a printed employee training manual. Pros and cons of paper training manuals for restaurant employees The other option is to create a digital training manual. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of moving your manual online. Pros and cons of onli...
Operations: An all-encompassing word for everything else involved in managing a restaurant, such as maintaining the atmosphere and ensuring employees follow health and safety standards. 6 Responsibilities Not Found in the Job Description These are the softer skills that restaurant managers require to ...
Individuals working as dishwashers may enjoy interacting with restaurant guests since they deliver water glasses, silverware, and plates. Working as a dishwasher also increases employees' restaurant safety knowledge and general knowledge of how a restaurant operates....
1. Follow Health and Safety Codes Food industry businesses, such as restaurants, are subject to regular health and safety inspections. All employees, restaurant managers, and restaurant owners must understand and comply with health and safety laws. The most commonly regulated areas include: Employee...
As a restaurant business owner, you must maintain your employees. The proper utilization of your human resources can assure the improvement of the performance of your business. Generally, employee management is a challenge for an organization. If you are going to start a restaurant business, you ...
Employees References Job Descriptions Employee Hygiene Work Safety Employment Glossary Employee Forms and check lists How to Hire Servers How to Choose Server Uniforms Seven Great Interview Questions for the Front of the House Food Safety Food Product Recalls ...
Restaurant Concept and Culture- You probably put a lot of creativity and thought into your restaurant concept, but your new employees will need an introduction to your theme and how they can help support it. For instance, if your restaurant specializes in locally grown produce, you'll want you...
As a result of minimum wage increases, 47% of restaurant operators admitted they have scheduled employees for fewer hours each week in the past twelve months. (Source) For the same reason, 16% of restaurant operators have had to halt hiring efforts to lower labor costs. (Source) In the pa...