Two hours ago, he had said that they would go for a quick bite at the Restaurant at the End of the Universe, whereupon he had had a blazing row with the ship’s computer and stormed off to his cabin shouting that he would work out the Improbability factors with a pencil. The Heart...
内容提示: 《宇宙尽头的餐馆》(The Restaurant at the End of the Universe) 高频词本文档为《宇宙尽头的餐馆》(TheRestaurant at the End of the Uni-verse)[作者: [英] 道格拉斯·亚当斯]一书的单词统计,并按照词频排序。您可以使用此文档,复习这本书的单词。《Restaurant at the End of the Universe》一...
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe的创作者 ··· 道格拉斯·亚当斯 作者 作者简介 ··· 道格拉斯·亚当斯(Douglas Adams,1952—2001),英国著名的科幻小说作家,也是幽默讽刺文学的代表人物、第一个成功结合喜剧和科幻的作家,同时他也是一位广播剧作家和音乐家。他以《银河系搭车客指南》系列出名,...
universevogonrestaurantdouglasadamsend TheRestaurantattheEndoftheUniverse Introduction ThereisatheorywhichstatesthatifeveranyonediscoversexactlywhattheUniverseisforandwhy itishere,itwillinstantlydisappearandbereplacedbysomethingevenmorebizarreand inexplicable. AnotherIntroduction Thereisanothertheorywhichstatesthatthishasal...
<前页123456789后页> >我来写笔记 >The Restaurant at the End of the Universe 作者:Douglas Adams isbn:0613336526 书名:The Restaurant at the End of the Universe 页数:256 定价:USD 18.45 出版社:San Val 装帧:School & Library Binding 出版年:2001-03...
听友26040555创作的外语有声书作品宇宙尽头的餐馆 The Restaurant at the End of the Universe,目前已更新86个声音,收听最新音频章节Douglas Adams - The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe (AB 5 of 5) - 14 - Cha。
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糖鱼哈创作的有声书作品银河系漫游指南2. Restaurant At The End Of The Universe,目前已更新54个声音,收听最新音频章节118 Restaurant At The End Of The Uni。小自由
In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move. Many races believe that it was created by some sort of God, though the Jatravartid people of Viltvodle VI believe that the entire Universe was in fact sneezed ou...