pod restart reason:container restart reason Expected Behavior No response Steps To Reproduce No response Milvus Log pods: laion1b-test-2-etcd-0 1/1 Running 1 (4d23h ago) 38d 4am-node30 <none> <none> laion1b-test-2-etcd-1 1/1 Running 0 97d 4am-node38 ...
"caller":"etcdserver/server.go:2065","msg":"failed to publish local member to cluster through raft","local-member-id":"946684e379f6cffb","local-member-attributes":"{Name:rke-1-node01-a441e3ca ClientURLs:[]}","request-path":"/0/members...
k8s node节点断电重启出问题;flannel重启失败 CrashLoopBackOff;flannel pod报错”Back-off restarting failed container” ; 问题 如100字的题 产生原因 kubeadm 装了k8s(各项指标正常) 结果电脑蓝屏重启;kubectl get nodes 查看发现node节点都处于not ready 状态。 解决过程 进入节点,查看systemctl status docker; ...
删除目录tidb-docker-compose\data之后重新启动docker-compose 因为是重建创建的 docker compose 下的 TiDB,建议将 docker ps -a 下面的 docker container 删除干净。另外就是 docker compose 对应的物理文件系统目录下面的数据文件。 然后再尝试重新创建。Cheng...
The Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition deployment ID is pivotal-container-service- followed by a unique BOSH-generated hash. Stop the TKGI control plane VM by running the following command: bosh -d pivotal-container-service-DEPLOYMENT-ID stop Copy Where DEPLOYMENT-ID is the BOSH-gener...
Normal Pulled 6m8s (x2 over 6m15s) kubelet Container image "docker.io/calico/node:v3.24.5" already present on machine Warning BackOff 71s (x31 over 5m55s) kubelet Back-off restarting failed container calico-node -show-statusFrom a workingcalico-nodepod ...
Normal Killing 57m (x2 over 25h) kubelet Container standalone failed liveness probe, will be restarted please doube check the etcd is running against SSD volumes for high performance request more cpu resource for milvus pod to keep alive with etcd(this only happens when there are heavy worklo...
123] Registration process failed with error: RegisterPlugin error -- plugin registration failed with err: rpc error: code = Internal desc = timed out while waiting for topology labels to be updated in "c01057a88824-qual-323-0afbb584" CSINodeTopology instance., restarting registration container. ...
ntainer" for "kube-scheduler" with CreateContainerError: "context deadline exceeded"" pod="kube-system/kube-scheduler-devgpu01" podUID=b3041 cbc77129d9ca9a65bc5ad59ee28 #failed to update lease, error: etcdserver: request timed out
$ make down $ make up $ kubectl logs -n kube-flannel kube-flannel-ds-hrqt4 Defaulted container "kube-flannel" out of: kube-flannel, install-cni-plugin (init), install-cni (init) I0527 02:14:04.874324 1 main.go:211] CLI flags config: {etcdEndpoints:,http://12...