To switch back to Normal mode, turn off your phone, and then turn it back on again. You can also restart into Safe mode using the hardware buttons. Press thePOWERbutton to turn the phone on. When you see the HTC logo on the screen, press and holdVOLUME DOWNuntil you seeSafe modeat ...
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Downloading themes Bookmarking themes Creating your own theme from scratch Mixing and matching themes Finding your themes Sharing themes Deleting a theme Personalization settings Ringtones, notification sounds, and alarms Home wallpaper Changing the display font Launch bar Adding Home screen...
Downloading themes Bookmarking themes Creating your own theme from scratch Mixing and matching themes Finding your themes Sharing themes Deleting a theme Personalization settings Ringtones, notification sounds, and alarms Home wallpaper Changing the display font Launch bar Adding Home screen widgets Adding ...