首先,我们创建一个容器,然后设置restart_policy,验证设置是否生效,并测试重启策略是否有效。这个功能可以在容器运行失败或崩溃时自动重启容器,提高容器的可靠性和稳定性。 参考链接: [Docker Documentation: Restart policies](
dockerbuild-tmy-web-server.dockerrun--nameweb-server-d-p8080:80 my-web-server 1. 2. 现在,我们可以通过浏览器访问http://localhost:8080来查看我们的Web服务器。 restartPolicy配置 现在,我们为这个容器配置restartPolicy为always,这样当容器退出时将会自动重启。我们可以通过以下命令来修改容器的restartPolicy: ...
restart_policy:配置容器关闭时如何重启。条件:可选无、失败或全部(默认值:全部)。 delay:设置重新...
Docker的restart policy是一种用于管理容器生命周期的机制,它决定了当容器因错误或其他原因停止运行时,Docker守护进程是否以及如何自动重新启动容器。以下是关于Docker restart policy的详细解答: 1. Docker的restart policy是什么? Docker的restart policy是Docker守护进程用来管理容器生命周期的一种机制。当容器因错误或其他...
restart_policy是Docker容器的重启策略配置,用于定义在容器退出时Docker应该采取的行动。其中,on-failure和any是两种常见的重启策略。 on-failure重启策略: on-failure策略表示当容器以非零状态(即异常)退出时,Docker会自动重启该容器。可以通过指定参数--restart=on-failure:<重试次数>来配置重试次数,如--restart=...
Background and Motivation I have a containerised go application which connects to a websocket service and because of that might fail every once in a while, this is why I need an option to specify the restart policy for any and all contai...
Is it possible to make restart policy works in such way: if restart caused by OOM, Segfault or other erros in container, it will be restarted if restart caused by reboot, it not restarted, with is helps in case need to run something befo...
一个简单的Dockerfile,目的是运行一个ubuntu容器,安装一些要用到的包 FROM ubuntu:18.04 ENV TZ UTC RUN apt update \ && apt install...python3-etcd \ postgresql-10 \ patr...
docker compose restart Description Restart service containers Usage docker compose restart [OPTIONS] [SERVICE...] Description Restarts all stopped and running services, or the specified services only. If you make changes to your compose.yml configuration, these changes are not reflected after running ...
While researching another article I discovered that it’s now possible to change therestart policyfor a container without stopping, deleting and re-running it. Apparently this has also been possible for quite a long time, since Docker 1.11 was released in April 2016. ...