Docker容器配置:在Docker中,restart: on-failure 可以作为容器运行策略的一部分,定义在容器的配置中。 systemd服务单元文件:在systemd管理的Linux系统中,Restart=on-failure 是服务单元文件中的一个指令,用于定义服务的重启行为。2. restart: on-failure 的含义 在Docker容器中,restart: on-failure 表示当容器以非零状...
restart_policy是Docker容器的重启策略配置,用于定义在容器退出时Docker应该采取的行动。其中,on-failure和any是两种常见的重启策略。 on-failure重启策略: on-failure策略表示当容器以非零状态(即异常)退出时,Docker会自动重启该容器。可以通过指定参数--restart=on-failure:<重试次数>来配置重试次数,如--restart=...
(2)为何连续几次进入系统遇上死机现象,再重启时选择[Disable automatic restart on system failure]此项进入系统,
启动容器时不添加参数 --restart 即可。 on-failure 在容器非正常退出时(退出状态非0),才会重启容器。 on-failure:n 在容器非正常退出时重启容器,并且指定重启次数。n 为正整数。如果不指定次数,则会一直重启。 always 只要容器退出就重启容器。 unless-stopped 在容器退出时总是重启容器,但是 Docker 守护进程启动...
A Hyper-V user with BitLocker enabled may encounter a restart failure if the Device Guard or Credential Guard feature has not been disabled or has not been uninstalled cleanly. Specifically, upon restart, you receive following error messa...
A Hyper-V user with BitLocker enabled may encounter a restart failure if the Device Guard or Credential Guard feature has not been disabled or has not been uninstalled cleanly. Specifically, upon restart, you receive following error messa...
Ideally I could specify something like RemainAfterExit=on-success to only remain if exiting with a success return code. My primary use case for this is using Type=simple jobs for one off scripts at bootup (like formatting drives) where I need Restart=on-failure but also RemainAfterExit. ...
Issue related to (#16548): Policy restart=always or on-failure with linked containers. After reboot/shutdown or hard reset on next boot most of containers that use links are down. Cannot bring containers up again with manual run of: dock...
ON_FAILURE public static final ContainerGroupRestartPolicy ON_FAILURE Static value OnFailure for ContainerGroupRestartPolicy. Constructor Details ContainerGroupRestartPolicy public ContainerGroupRestartPolicy() fromString public static ContainerGroupRestartPolicy fromString(String name) ...