此文档主要描述Postgre数据库,基于Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.5 的操作系统上安装Postgre...
The sent_location gets updated but not the restart_lsn, even though I ran a checkpoint command had set the checkoint_timeout=1m but still the replay_lsn does not change. SELECT * FROM pg_replication_slots; slot_name | plugin | slot_type | datoid | database | active | active_...
S GS_GLOBAL_ARCHIVE_STATUS视图描述DN和所有分片的归档进度,获取分片名称(node_name)、归档位置(restart_lsn),实际进行归档的主/备机名称(archive_node)和当前日志位置(current_xlog_location)。查询此 来自:帮助中心 查看更多 → 重启集群 7f71730fdb4b/clusters/4ca46bf1-5c61-48ff-b4f3-0ad4e5e3ba90/rest...
重要 sp_replrestart是内部复制存储过程,仅在还原在事务复制拓扑中发布的数据库时使用,如备份和还原快照和事务复制的策略中的指示。Transact-SQL 语法约定syntaxsql 复制 sp_replrestart [ ; ] 参数无。返回代码值0(成功)或 1(失败)。注解sp_replrestart 当分发服务器上的日志序列...
成功写入磁盘后,日志的最后一个 LSN 将更改为追加的重启记录的 LSN。 通常,WriteLogRestartArea由定期保存已知良好状态的应用程序使用,重启区域包含现有日志记录链的 LSN。 语法 C++复制 CLFSUSER_API BOOLWriteLogRestartArea( [in, out] PVOID pvMarshal, [in] PVOID pvRestartBuffer, [in] ULONG cbRestartBuf...
A pointer to a CLFS_LSN structure that receives the previous LSN of the restart record that was read.Return valueClfsReadPreviousRestartArea returns STATUS_SUCCESS if it succeeds; otherwise, it returns one of the error codes defined in Ntstatus.h. If there are no previous restart areas, the ...
restart_lsn text 复制槽需要的最早xlog的物理位置。 dummy_standby boolean 预留参数。 confirmed_flush 来自:帮助中心 查看更多 → 节点时钟同步服务器检查异常处理 请登录该节点,执行systemctl status ntpd命令查询ntpd服务运行状态。若回显状态异常,请执行systemctl restart ntpd命令后重新查询状态。 以下为正常...
[BugFix] Upgrade bdb to 18.3.13 which fixes the VLSN hole bug and dis… f81d8c3 …k expand bug (),,Upgrade bdb from 7.3.7 to 18.3.13, but since the version of 18.3.13 cannot downgrade to 7.3.7, we will release this bugfix in 3.0. Signed-off-by: gengjun-git gengjun@starrock...
CLFSUSER_API BOOLReadPreviousLogRestartArea( [in] PVOID pvReadContext, [out] PVOID *ppvRestartBuffer, [out] PULONG pcbRestartBuffer, [out] PCLFS_LSN plsnRestart, [in, out, optional] LPOVERLAPPED pOverlapped ); Параметры