There may be a time where you need to reboot your Windows 10 PC in Command prompt. Thankfully, Windows provides a CMD command to restart the operating system from the command-line interface. Theshutdowncommand's/roption reboot windows. For example, if you execute the following command in CM...
Check the status of the Docker startup in the “Docker of Windows” UI - it will go from orange to green. Once the switch-over is done,switch back to Windows containers. After the running status is green again, do a “docker version” from the command line and you should be golden....
What’s the correct way to restart Docker for the Docker for Mac beta from the command line? 4 Likes Docker beta for Mac hanging on ps davetucker(Dave Tucker)April 18, 2016, 5:00pm2 There isn’t a supported way to do this from the command line right now. The best way is to Quit...
(Inherited from CommandLineCmdletBase) Dispose(Boolean) Releases the unmanaged resources used by the CommandLineCmdletBase and optionally releases the managed resources. (Inherited from CommandLineCmdletBase) EndProcessing() When overridden in the derived class, performs clean-up after the command...
Restarting from the command line isn't well documented, so you shouldn't do it... who knows if shutting down from System Preferences does it more gracefully. But if you insist, the following will work for the most part - I would recommend testing it with a good backup before you're ...
This article describes how to start, stop, pause, resume, or restart the SQL Server Database Engine, the SQL Server Agent, or the SQL Server Browser service on Windows by using SQL Server Configuration Manager, SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), net commands from a command prompt, Transact...
MoveFromRun MoveTo MoveToMathControl MoveToRangeEnd MoveToRangeStart MoveToRun MovieReference MultiLevelType MultiLevelValues 名称 NextParagraphStyle NoBorder NoBreakHyphen NoColumnBalance NoEndnote NoExtraLineSpacing 无前导 NoLineBreaksAfterKinsoku NoLineBreaksBeforeKinsoku NonNegativeDecimalNumberType NonNega...
However, if the application is running and the debugger is later attached to the process, the .restart command has no effect.After the process is restarted, it immediately breaks into the debugger.In WinDbg, use the View | WinDbg Command Line command if you started your ...
若要确定所需的缓冲区大小,请将 pwzCommandLine 设置为 NULL ,并将此参数设置为零。 大小包括 一个null 终止符字符。 请注意,此函数返回S_OK,在本例中不返回HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) 。[out, optional] pdwFlags指向变量的指针,该变量接收应用程序在调用 RegisterApplicationRestart 函数...
You can see the two partitions by running the mountvol command from the command line or by using the Disk Management interface. You can change this default behavior of the Windows Server 2008 R2 installation by manually partitioning and naming the C:\ volume before you install Windows Serv...