应用名称 spring.application.name=app ## 应用端口 server.port=9602 # --- end 以上配置 2.1.3 已失效 # 可远程关 闭服 务器;默认为 false management.endpoint.shutdown.enabled=true # 可远程 重启 服务器;默认为 false management.endpoint.restart.enabled=true management.endpoints.web.exposure.include...
I'll try to selective enable the endpoints and in a standard spring-boot application it can be achieved by: endpoints.enabled = false endpoints.health.enabled = true The above configuration does not work when spring-cloud is added to the...
[-IsContinueOnError <Boolean>] [-IsEnabled <Boolean>] [-MoveToIndex <Int32>] [-NewStepName <String>] [-RemoveConditionFile] [-RemoveConditionFolder] [-RemoveConditionIfStatement] [-RemoveConditionOperatingSystem] [-RemoveConditionQueryWmi] [-RemoveConditionRegistry] [-RemoveConditionSoftware] [-...
别名: IsThisStepContinueOnError Position: Named 默认值: None 必需: False 接受管道输入: False 接受通配符: False -IsEnabled 使用此参数启用此任务序列步骤。 展开表 类型: Boolean 别名: IsThisStepEnabled Position: Named 默认值: None 必需: False 接受管道输入: False 接受通配符: False -MaxOSVersion...
shut down type: restart c:\windows\system32\lsass.exeterminated unexpectly and the status code:,now system will shutdown and restart. we start to check the problem, and find a KB5016690 also contain the same err code. Now it was inclued in KB5023702. ...
then you will get a text at the middle bottom of your screen saying"preparing automatic repair" Then, you may be asked to choose an account to continue. Next, type the password of the selected administrator user account. If you are not prompted for this information, ...
) ENABLE_GLOBAL_DYNAMIC_ENDPOINT_LISTENER_DG=ON # line added by AgentVALID_NODE_CHECKING_REGISTRATION_LISTENER_DG=SUBNET # line added by AgentREGISTRATION_INVITED_NODES_LISTENER_DG=() # line added by AgentThis only happens if second listener LISTENER_DG is added to Oracle Restart...
the extension checks for new policies or policy updates. If policies are not being applied to a managed Windows device or if Intune is unable torun a PowerShell script on such a device, then IT might need to restart the Intune Management Extension agent service on that endpoint....
手动创建一个Endpoint和Service资源的例子(如果service没pod的label的话就需要手动创建) You may have probably realized this already, but having the service’s endpoints decoupled from the service allows them to be configured and updated manually.