有关Windows PowerShell 后台作业的详细信息,请参阅about_Jobs和 about_Remote_Jobs。 是否为必需? false 位置? named 默认值 是否接受管道输入? false 是否接受通配符? false -Authentication <AuthenticationLevel> 指定用于 WMI 连接的身份验证级别。(Restart-Computer 使用 WMI。)默认值为 Packet。
Cancel a Restart or Shutdown Document the Reason for an Unexpected Restart or Shutdown of the Local Computer Document the Reason for the Unexpected Restart or Shutdown of a Remote Computer Enable the Remote Registry Service Windows System Resource Manager ...
Restart-Computer使用 Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)Win32_OperatingSystem類別的Win32Shutdown 方法。 在Windows PowerShell 2.0 中,當您重新啟動或停止遠端計算機時,AsJob參數無法可靠地運作。 在 Windows PowerShell 3.0 中,已變更實作來解決這個問題。
Shutdown computer You can also use the/sswitch instead of the/rswitch in all of the commands above to completely shut down the computer altogether. It can be used as a standalone switch, or with the/tswitch to shut it down with a time delay. Here is an example: Restart remote compute...
Sometimes you want to urgently shutdown or restart your computer when you are away. There are a lot of remote control utilities that allows you to manipulate your computer remotely. Some of them require installation on client computer, some has web interface but runs as ActiveX ...
You will get a remote shutdown dialog window. ClickAddon the right-hand side of the Remote Shutdown Dialogue window. Type the IP address of the computer you want to restart and then click the OK button. This allows you to restart a remote computer using its IP address. ...
Use Shutdown Command for Local Computers Use Shutdown Command for Remote Computers Examples Example 1: Restart local computer Example 2: Restart multiple computers Example 3: Restart remote computer with wait, timeout, delay and for parameters. Using Restart-Computer cmdlet Use the Restart-Computer ...
At the command prompt, typeshutdown -r -m \\MachineName-t -01then hit Enter on your keyboard. The remote computer should automatically shut down or restart depending on the switches you choose. Notice, the command is similar to performing it locally. You can always specify a longer period...
This cmdlet uses the Win32Shutdown method of the WMI WIN32_OperatingSystem class. Example 1 Copy C:\PS>restart-computer Description --- This command restarts the local computer. Example 2 C:\PS>restart-computer -computername Server01, Server02, localhost Description -...
The user still can shutdown the system from command line or third-party application. To prevent more resourceful users from shutting down the system, remove their right to do so. Still in gpedit.msc, go to Computer Configuration / Windows Settings / Security ...