3)、ctrl+鼠标右键BulkModelViewSet上找到restframework_bulk/generic.py看到 class BulkModelViewSet(bulk_mixins.BulkCreateModelMixin, bulk_mixins.BulkUpdateModelMixin, bulk_mixins.BulkDestroyModelMixin, ModelViewSet): pass 这里我们分析bulk_mixins.BulkUpdateModelMixin 4)、同样的方式定位到restframework_bulk...
from rest_framework.routers import DefaultRouter, SimpleRouter __all__ = ["BulkRouter"] class BulkRouter(DefaultRouter): """ Map http methods to actions defined on the bulk mixins. """ routes = copy.deepcopy(SimpleRouter.routes) routes[0].mapping.update({ 'put': '...
The bulk router can automatically map the bulk actions: from rest_framework_bulk.routes import BulkRouter class UserViewSet(BulkModelViewSet): model = User def allow_bulk_destroy(self, qs, filtered): """Don't forget to fine-grain this method""" router = BulkRouter() router.register(r'user...
urls.py 设置一个URL来发出请求 # 使用Django REST路由器轻松设置此站点 from django.conf.urls import url, include, re_path from rest_framework import routers from demo.views import BookViewSet router = routers.DefaultRouter() router.register(r'books', BookViewSet) urlpatterns = [ ...
Again, a full working Django project with all of this code and unit tests can be found on GitHub in thedango_bulk_tutorialrepository and the previous postPart 1: Efficient Bulk Creates with Django Rest Framework. I hope you enjoyed this post, and be sure to follow me for more articles on...
之前写过一篇文章《Django restframework实现批量操作》介绍了两种方案实现 Django批量操作,其中一种是通过restframework-bulk来实现,但是当时遇到一个QuerySet object has no attribute pk问题没有搞明白。 今天看到博客中有朋友提问,就打开源码分析debug了一下,找到了根本愿意所在 ...
Django REST Framework bulk CRUD view mixins. Contribute to miki725/django-rest-framework-bulk development by creating an account on GitHub.
Guys, I am not able to raise the server due to this error after I have inserted the necessary classes for the use of Bulk. Unhandled exception in thread started by <function check_errors.<locals>.wrapper at 0x7f8493c1d620> Traceback (mos...
(data) File "e:\Development\django_projects\api\lib\site-packages\rest_framework_bulk\drf3\serializers.py", line 16, in to_internal_value ret = super(BulkSerializerMixin, self).to_internal_value(data) File "e:\Development\django_projects\api\lib\site-packages\rest_framework\serializers.py"...
a 400 bad request would be much better. I think it's because id_field.get_value(data) here https://github.com/miki725/django-rest-framework-bulk/blob/master/rest_framework_bulk/drf3/serializers.py#L26 returns an rest_framework.fields.emp...