When Jack Grinstead's job as a truck driver brings him into Florida on a long-distance,...Bauerlein, David
Road Trip 1 » florida reststop mile303来源: Freesound 前往原页面 查看译文 作者: NoiseCollector 许可: CC-BY 保留署名许可协议 描述: Fist stop on the 3,000 mile road trip from South Florida to New York City and most stops in between. This the bathroom inside St John's rest stop ...
The answer depends on the state you are traveling through. Some states allow overnight parking at rest areas and other states make it unlawful. Keep reading to see which states allow overnight parking at rest stops, how to find them, amenities, security, parking options and some of our pers...
On the fourth floor, the lift stops suddenly and it goes dark. I feel my___beating in my ears. Grandma rings the bell and is told that the power (电) is off along the whole street. Grandma holds my hands, and we sing together in the dark lift. Before long...
The work and life routine of long-haul truck drivers (LHTDs) involve the use of truck stops and rest areas to meet their basic human needs. These extensions of their workspaces on the road do not always offer adequate physical structures and services that drivers need for optimal health. Thi...
It's called an angio-plasty. There's a balloon on the end of a catheter a yard long at least they thread up into your heart from a cut they make just under your groin, the artery84 there. I had it done kind of in Florida but instead of a balloon it was a bunch of dyes they...