In Va., Digital Rest Stops; State Plans Computers at Three Visitor CentersR.H. Melton
The work and life routine of long-haul truck drivers (LHTDs) involve the use of truck stops and rest areas to meet their basic human needs. These extensions of their workspaces on the road do not always offer adequate physical structures and services that drivers need for optimal health. Thi...
stops calcium residue buildup includes tub, cover, treatment systems, light, 2 filters, 2 headrests, 2 cushions, ground cloth, hose, bag, chlorine dispenser, and test strips ready for water in about 20-minutes and can be deflated for easy storage or transport opens in a new tab sale +3...
Pa. firm to allowed sell at Va. rest stopsBOB LEWIS
Va. to reopen 19 highway rest stopsAnita Kumar
If Drivers Have to Go, They Have To Go Far; Va. About to Close 18 Rest Stops To Save MoneyAshley Halsey III