通过Apex在REST API中发送文件 是一种在Salesforce平台上使用Apex编程语言发送文件的方法。Apex是Salesforce的编程语言,它类似于Java,并可用于开发Salesforce平台上的自定义应用程序和集成解决方案。 在REST API中发送文件的步骤如下: 创建一个Apex类或方法,用于处理文件的发送。例如,可以创建一个具有@RestResource注解...
1 つの Apex クラスにアノテーション@RestResourceが付加されている場合、同一の HTTP 要求メソッドでアノテーションが付加されたメソッドを複数含めることはできません。たとえば、同じクラスにアノテーション@HttpGetが付加されたメソッドを 2 つ含めることはできません。
and authentication, see the rest api developer guide . for examples, see rest resource examples . for information on how to minimize the number of round trips between client and server, see improve performance with the composite resource . the base uri for each tooling api rest resource is htt...
aisuhua/restful-api-design-references Star5.1k RESTful API 设计参考文献列表,可帮助你更加彻底的了解REST风格的接口设计。 restrest-apirestfulrestapirestful-api UpdatedNov 28, 2021 jenius-apps/nightingale-rest-api-client Star771 A modern, resource-efficient REST API client for Windows ...
Custom Apex REST endpointsYou can use Restforce to interact with your custom REST endpoints, by using .get, .put, .patch, .post, and .delete.For example, if you had the following Apex REST endpoint on Salesforce:@RestResource(urlMapping='/FieldCase/*') global class RESTCaseController { ...
In the above example, the following endpoint is used: https://th-apex-http-callout.herokuapp.com/animals It is in the format: “http://www.example.com/api/resource“ Once the server completes processing the API request, it will send a HTTP status code in the response body. Depending ...
In this example, we use static resources and a mock interface later on. The static resource contains the response body to return. Again, when using a mock callout, the request isn’t sent to the endpoint. Instead, the Apex runtime knows to look up the response specified in the stat...
The latest Application Express Release 19.1 takes its support for external data sources (REST Services and REST Enabled SQL) to the next level. Forms do now support REST services and REST Enabled SQL declaratively. Thus APEX allows to create report, char
1.@RestResource:曝光此类作为REST资源; 2.@HttpGet:曝光方法作为REST资源,当有Http get请求发送时,此注解对应的方法会被执行; 3.@HttpPost:Http post 请求发送时,此注解对应的方法会被执行; 4.@HttpDelete:当有Http delete请求发送时,此注解对应的方法会被执行; ...
(opc-retry-token) so the request can be retried in case of a timeout or server error without the risk of executing that same action again. The token expires after 24 hours, but can be invalidated before then due to conflicting operations (for example, if a resource has been deleted and...