California State Route SR-46 Rest Area (1) California State Route SR-58 Rest Areas (2) California State Route SR-70 Rest Areas (2) California State Route SR-99 Rest Areas (5) California State Route SR-299 Rest Areas (3) California US Route Highway Rest Areas ...
"1 World Way, Los Angeles, California, 90045", "LongLabel": "1 World Way, Los Angeles, CA, 90045, USA", "ShortLabel": "1 World Way", "Addr_type": "PointAddress", "Type": "", "PlaceName": "", "Place_addr": "1 World Way, Los Angeles, California, 90045", "Phone": "",...
This includes cases where streets are separated by elevation, such as a highway overpass crossing over another street. An example of this is Pacific Hwy and W Washington St, San Diego, CA 92140 , which is the intersection of a highway overpass and the street below. An intersection can ...