One of the key principles of REST is statelessness, meaning that each API request from a client to the server must contain all the information required to understand and process the request. In other words, the server should not store any client-specific data between requests. This approach sim...
IBM® Rational® Test Control Panel - 域 REST API 规范 有关REST API 的常规信息,请参阅 REST 服务。 与更高版本的兼容性 要通过较高版本提高 REST API 客户机的兼容性,不得手动构造 URL(获取域的列表 URL 除外)。可以通过解析 XML 中提供的相对 href 属性来生成 URL。所有 href 属性都必须针对其...
IBM® Rational® Test Control Panel - 环境 REST API 规范 有关REST API 的常规信息,请参阅 REST 服务。 与更高版本的兼容性 为了提高 REST API 的客户机与更高版本的兼容性,您不得手动构造 URL(查找环境的 URL URL 除外)。可以通过解析 XML 中提供的相对 href 属性来生成 URL。所有 href 属性都...
正面case: 建议URI中的名称使用复数 为了保持URI格式简洁统一,资源在URI中应统一使用复数形式,如需访问资源的一个实例,可以通过资源ID定位(@PathVariable)。 负面case: 正面case: ...
{"api-key":"OPTIONAL API-KEY for CALLBACK EVENTS"} },"requestedCredentials": [ {"type":"VerifiedCredentialExpert","purpose":"So we can see that you a veritable credentials expert","acceptedIssuers": [""],"configuration": {"validation": {"allowRevoked":...
import{typeGetFileResponse}from'@figma/rest-api-spec'// Many popular HTTP clients let you annotate response typesconstresult=awaitaxios.get<GetFileResponse>(url); This has type GetFileResponse About OpenAPI specification and types for the Figma REST API ...
Specification for an App Service Environment to use for this resource. Expand table NameTypeDescription id string Resource ID of the App Service Environment. name string Name of the App Service Environment. type string Resource type of the App Service Environment. HostNameSslState SSL-enabled host...
Specification for an App Service Environment to use for this resource. Expand table NameTypeDescription id string Resource ID of the App Service Environment. name string Name of the App Service Environment. type string Resource type of the App Service Environment. HostNameSslState SSL-enabled host...
The main takeaway here is that SOAP provides a solid, reliable pattern you can use when you don’t require a more date-centric API design pattern like REST.REpresentational State Transfer (REST) is a software architectural style of delivering APIs dependent on the HTTP specification the web is...
Admin API specification Verified ID Network API specification Supported standards Resources FAQ How to create a developer account Industry working group for all things Decentralized ID (DID) Microsoft DID whitepaper DID marketing Overview Decentralized identity blog ...