"operationContext" : { "type" : "OperationContext", "isList" : false }, "inputParameterObject" : { "type" : "Sample_BusinessObject", "isList" : false } }, … "Sample_BusinessObject" : { "properties" : { "field1" : { "isList" : false, "type" : "String“ }, "field2" : ...
在新主账号中,输入 meet-api-event-push@system.gserviceaccount.com。 在分配角色中,选择 Pub/Sub Publisher。 点击保存。 更新主题的权限可能需要几分钟时间。记下主题名称,并确保 {project} 的值为应用的 Cloud 项目 ID。您稍后将使用该主题名称创建 Google Workspace 订阅。创建...
For example, to run GetUsersInAccount, use: java -cp .;lib/json_simple-1.1.jar adobesign.api.rest.sample.GetUsersInAccount You may also use an IDE of your choice. In that case, you will need to create a new project with sources taken from the adobesign folder and lib/json.jar set...
stateFilter=All&api-version=1.0").Result; //check to see if we have a successful response if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { //set the viewmodel from the content in the response viewModel = response.Content.ReadAsAsync<ListOfProjectsResponse.Projects>().Result; //var value = response.Content...
DELETE /api/diagnostics/settings/{key} Delete a setting Sample of available settings. { "AzureDriveEnabled": false(|true), "AzureDriveTraceLevel": "Error(|Information|Warning|Verbose)", "AzureTableEnabled": false(|true), "AzureTableTraceLevel": "Error(|Information|Warning|Verbose)", ...
This sample project provides code snipets on how to call the REST api of the CPM service programmatically. - GitHub - microsoft/SampleCPMProject: This sample project provides code snipets on how to call the REST api of the CPM service programmatically.
BaseUrl/api/now/table/t1 BaseUrl/api/now/table/t2 ... BaseUrl/api/now/table/t100 步驟1:在連結服務設定頁面的[基底 URL] 或資料集連線窗格的 [相對 URL] 中輸入 {id}。或步驟2:將 [分頁規則] 設定為 "AbsoluteUrl.{id}" :"RANGE:1:100:1"。範例3:...
vso.project_manageプロジェクトとチームを作成、読み取り、更新、削除する機能を付与します。 例 Sample Request HTTP HTTP POST https://dev.azure.com/fabrikam/_apis/projects?api-version=7.1-preview.4 { "name": "FabrikamTravel", "description": "Frabrikam travel app for Windows Phone", ...
api-version=2023-12-01-preview { "description": "Project for Jessica Voice", "kind": "ProfessionalVoice" } Sample Response Status code: 201 JSON Copia { "id": "Jessica", "description": "Project for Jessica Voice", "kind": "ProfessionalVoice", "createdDateTime": "2023-04-01T05:...
Project 任务窗格加载项的模板包括默认初始化代码,该代码旨在演示使用 通用API 的Office 外接程序文档中数据的基本获取和设置操作。 由于 Project 不支持写入活动项目的操作,并且 HelloProjectOData 加载项不使用 getSelectedDataAsync 方法,因此可以删除函数中的 Office.initialize 脚本,并删除 setData 默认HelloProject...