If true, the OR operator is applied between multiple attribute parameters. If false, the AND operator is applied. False _orderby Specifies how the fields of a resource are ordered. The value can beasc(ascending) ordesc(descending). For an object structure resource, this parameter can be used...
api-version=2024-05-01 { "properties": { "format": "openapi-link", "value": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/master/examples/v3.0/petstore.yaml", "path": "petstore", "translateRequiredQueryParameters": "template" } } Sample response Status code: 201 HTTP ...
api-version=2021-05-01 The following request shows the equivalent metric definitions request for multiple resources. The only changes are the subscription path instead of a resource ID path, and the addition of region and metricNamespace query parameters. Copy GET https://management.azure.com/...
在 REST API 中,class 级的操作都是通过一个带类名的资源路径(URL)来标识的。例如,如果类名是 Post,那么 class 的 URL 就是: 1 https://{{appid 前八位}}.api.lncld.net/1.1/classes/Post 对于用户账户这种对象,有一个特殊的 URL: + https://{{appid 前八位}}.api.lncld.net/1.1/users 针对于...
https://{{appid 前八位}}.api.lncld.net/1.1/classes/Post/ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. X-LC-Sign 的值是由 sign,timestamp[,master] 组成的字符串: + 举例来说,假设应用的信息如下: + 使用App Key 来计算 sign: + md5( timestamp + App Key ) = md5( 1453014943466UtOCzqb67d3sN12Kts4URwy...
Copy 1 http://localhost:8080/rest/api/2/issue/createmeta If you only want a subset of this information, specify the desired projects and issue types as query parameters. For example, this request will return the create metadata for the Bug issue type in the Jira project:Copy 1 http://...
https://api.contoso.com/v1.0/people/jdoe@contoso.com/inbox PS:通过以上URL我们可以获知API的版本、people资源、用户标识(邮箱)、收件箱,而且很容易获知——这是jdoe的收件箱的API。 An example URL that is not friendly is: 格式不友好的 URL Demo: ...
If you have query parameters, this example includes those parameters as well. Here's the code, which also handles additional query parameters and query parameters with multiple values. Remember that you're building this code to work for all of the REST APIs. You want to include all possibiliti...
?options—(Optional) Specifies one or more filters, selectors, or modifiers to a query. Multiple option statements are joined by an ampersand (&). The URI for an API Operation on an MO In an API operation to create, read...
https://api.contoso.com/v1.0/people/jdoe@contoso.com/inbox PS:通过以上URL我们可以获知API的版本、people资源、用户标识(邮箱)、收件箱,而且很容易获知——这是jdoe的收件箱的API。 An example URL that is not friendly is: 格式不友好的 URL Demo: ...