当链接在响应中返回时,API 变得更具自我描述性。对于支持分页的响应中返回的集合,“first”、“last”、“next”和“prev”链接至少是有益的。 资源命名:当资源命名正确时,API 是直观且易于使用的。做得不好,同样的 API 会让人感觉很笨拙,并且难以使用和理解。RESTful API适用于消费者。URI 的名称和结构应该向...
A REST API is an application programming interface (API) that conforms to design principles of the representational state transfer (REST) architectural style.
51CTO博客已为您找到关于java restfull接口的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及java restfull接口问答内容。更多java restfull接口相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
三、JAVA提供服务 主要需要根据REST的原则设计出符合要求的“RESTful API”。 可参考文章:Principles of good RESTful API Design 早期的MVC设计并不能提供RESTful的服务,而只是支持GET和POST服务请求。
What is a REST API? In this article, we explore what a REST API is, how it operates, its fundamental design principles, and best practices.
Consider the size and complexity of your web application. Some frameworks are better suited for small projects, while others are more robust and can handle large, complex java applications. Consider the type of API you need to create. Some frameworks focus on REST APIs, while others support SOA...
该规范假定 HTTP 是底层网络协议。它使用注释提供 URI 和相应资源类之间的清晰映射,以及 HTTP 方法与 Java 对象方法之间的映射。API 支持广泛的 HTTP 实体内容类型,包括 HTML、XML、JSON、GIF、JPG 等。它还将提供所需的插件功能,以允许使用标准方法通过应用程序添加其他类型。
Principles of good RESTful API Design(译:好 RESTful API 的设计原则 )简单易懂,条理清晰,推荐 Best Practices for Designing a Pragmatic RESTful API(译:RESTful 最佳实践 译文2)有实际的案例 Enchant HTTP API Design Guide(译:HTTP API 设计指南) ...
The API's design spells out the proper way for a developer to write a program, or the client, that uses the API to request services from another application, or the server. APIs have become a vital mechanism for software interoperability. RESTful APIs are also referred to as RESTful web ...
Dr. Roy Fielding, senior principal scientist at Adobe, defined RESTful API design in his 2000 doctoral dissertation as a web service that adheres to the following six REST architectural constraints: A uniform interface.Resources should be uniquely identifiable through a single URL. Manipulating a res...