http://localhost/api/campaignruns/1/operations/2 Response: { "id": 2, "operation": "abort", "status": "processing" } Here how it should look when it is completed: GET http://localhost/api/campaignruns/1/operations/2 Response: { "id": 2, "operation": "abort", "status": "compl...
在安全测试过程中,需要考虑对输入数据进行负载测试、性能测试、压力测试和漏洞扫描等,并对异常情况和错误处理进行测试,以确保 REST API 的安全性和可靠性。你也可以使用例如 Apifox、Postman、JMeter 等等工具对 REST API 进行可靠地、全面地测试。 结论 在设计 REST API 时,需要考虑多个方面的安全问题,并实现相应的...
无论您选择哪种方式去实现自己的 REST API,重要的是与团队风格保持一致性,以确保 API 的易用性、可读性和可维护性。 参考文献 API Design Patterns and Best Practices | API Guide - MoesifRESTful API Design. Best Practices in a Nutshell.Hyphen, underscore, or camelCase as word delimiter in URIs?Dash...
PATH 部分,REST API 的标准最佳实践是使用连字符(hyphen),而不是下划线(underscore)或驼峰(camelcase)。这是来自 Mark Masse 的《REST API Design Rulebook》的建议。 此外,搜索引擎也更喜欢使用连字符来分隔单词,使用连字符分隔单词,它们让搜索引擎更准确地理解 URL 中的单词和短语,这样搜索引擎就可以索引单个单词,...
One of the key principles of good API design is that an interface must provide a seamless and user-friendly developer experience (DX) if it is to facilitate the creation of applications that add value to the API owner’s business.
understanding and using rest api requires basic familiarity with software development, web services, and the salesforce user interface. if you want to get right to the action, the quick start guide covers the basics to get you up and running. if you’re looking for more context about salesfo...
REST形式的API组织形态是资源和实体,一切围绕资源(级别1的要点)。设计流程包括: 确定API提供的资源 确定资源之间的关系 根据资源类型和关系确定资源URI结构 确定资源的结构体 会定义一些标准方法(级别2的要点),然后把标准方法映射到实现(比如HTTP Method):
person and online events across the salesforce ecosystem videos explore new features, tools, tips, tutorials, and more with on-demand and live stream videos community trailblazer community meet other developers to collaborate, network, and learn together browse trials rest api developer guide j ...
Learn REST API Design Get Started REST (Representational State Transfer) APIs have revolutionized the way developers build and integrate web services, enabling seamless communication between systems and applications. With the increasing demand for web-based solutions, understanding RESTful APIs has become ...
所以,接口设计就像数据库模式设计一下,一旦设计好了,未来再变更就比较难了。所以,还是要好好设计。正如前面我给的几个文档——Microsoft REST API Guidelines,Paypal API Design Guidelines或是Google API Design Guide都是让你好好设计API的不错的 Guidelines....