17. 在需要自适应的表格上加一个div class属性命名为table-responsive ,即可。
我想利用 Bootstrap 的表格响应类 .table-responsive 来允许在移动设备上水平滚动表格。在桌面设备上,表格应占包含表格的 DIV 宽度的 100%。 但是一旦我将 .table-responsive 类应用于我的表格,表格就会水平收缩并且不再占据 100% 的宽度。 <div class="card-body"> <table class="table table-responsive"><the...
</tbody> </table> </div> 在需要自适应的表格上加一个div class属性命名为table-responsive ,即可。 分类: html 标签: bootstrap , html 关注我 收藏该文 微信分享 牛奔 粉丝- 116 关注- 26 0 0 « 上一篇: 解决laravel 429请求错误 » 下一篇: Namespace declaration statement has to ...
table-responsive : 要写在表格所在的父元素 table的父元素是div,所以在div处写table-responsive 效果浏览器也可以查看 有table-responsive,表格有滚动条 没有table-responsive,网页有滚动条 --><divclass="table-responsive"><tableclass="table table-bordered"><tr><td>甘草</td><td>黄芪</td><td>桔梗</t...
Demo地址:http://gergeo.se/RWD-Table-Patterns/#demo 注:这个jQuery插件要在Bootstrap 3前端框架上使用。 1.自定义显示表格列,在表格右上角可以看到,点Display all则显示全部。 另外我最喜欢的就是这个data-priority=””属性,它可以定义数据在特定分辨率显示或者隐藏掉,类似Bootstrap的class=”col-md/col-lg”...
Demo地址:http://gergeo.se/RWD-Table-Patterns/#demo 注:这个jQuery插件要在Bootstrap 3前端框架上使用。 1.自定义显示表格列,在表格右上角可以看到,点Display all则显示全部。 另外我最喜欢的就是这个data-priority=”"属性,它可以定义数据在特定分辨率显示或者隐藏掉,类似Bootstrap的class=”col-md/col-lg”...
<h1 class="text-hide">Hide this heading</h1> Copy Responsive table In order to create responsive tables, you should use the .table-responsive class. This class only affects the display on devices less than 768px, for larger devices there would be no effect. For creating tables, you would...
You must import the bootstrap CSS and JS files to use the framework in your project. In the following sections, let’s put into actions the concepts of Bootstrap for responsive website along with test scenarios, components, and live testing on the cloud. Table of ...
Bootstrap size classes Bootstrap provides four different markers for controlling and mentioning element and device size. Following table depicts the bootstrap size classes in detail. Marker nameScreen sizeclass name xsThis will render the element with extra small size. Extra small devices, such as ...