yarn add react-responsive-masonry npm install react-responsive-masonry --save If you don't use package manager and you want to includereact-responsive-masonrydirectly in your html, you could get it from the UNPKG CDN https://unpkg.com/react-responsive-masonry/umd/react-responsive-masonry.js ...
5. Building a responsive dashboard example Let's build a responsive dashboard layout in React using a combination of Flexbox and Grid. We'll design a dashboard with a header, sidebar, main content area, and footer that adjusts dynamically based on screen size. Example Code js // Dashboar...
Responsive sidebar built with React and Tailwind. Support for dark mode, react-router and Mobile Menu. Feel free to contribute⭐ - idrsdev/react-sidebar-tailwind-darkmode
Package Sidebar Install npm i @responsive-email/react-email Repository github.com/codeskills-dev/responsive-email Homepage github.com/codeskills-dev/responsive-email#readme Weekly Downloads 2,104 Version 0.0.4 License MIT Unpacked Size 26.8 kB Total Files 25 Issues 2 Pull Requests 1 Last publish...
import { ProSidebar, Menu, MenuItem, SubMenu } from 'react-pro-sidebar'; import 'react-pro-sidebar/dist/css/styles.css'; <ProSidebar> <Menu iconShape="square"> <MenuItem icon={<FaGem />}>Dashboard</MenuItem> <SubMenu title="Components" icon={<FaHeart />}> <MenuItem>Component 1<...
This is a bootstrap responsive menu jquery plugin which facilitates efficient incorporation of sidebars and app style off-canvas menus to your custom website. The desire for Slidebars arouse from the need to establish off-canvas sliding bootstrap mobile menus design which will be efficient and act...
Input NAVIGATION Accordion AppBar Breadcrumb Carousel Context Menu Menu Bar Sidebar Tabs Toolbar TreeView File Manager Ribbon Stepper LAYOUT Avatar Card Dialog ListView Tooltip Splitter Dashboard Layout Timeline FORMS Query Builder UI REPORTS Report Viewer NOTIFICATIONS Message Badge Toast Progress Bar ...
w3-col Defines one column in a 12-column responsive grid w3-mobile Adds mobile-first responsiveness to a cell (column).Displays elements as block elements on mobile devices.The responsive classes above must be placed inside a w3-row class (or w3-row-padding class) to be fully responsive.Cla...
The Syncfusion React UI components library offers more than 90 cross-platform, responsive, and lightweight components for building modern web applications.
It has 1 main column with a right-sided widgetized sidebar, a header populated with navigation, a logotype and a search bar, and a footer that presents information via set of blocks. However, the team not just mindlessly uses a responsive framework as a base; they also actively muster ...