参考:MDN – image-set()(目前支持度不高, 苹果 Safari 就不支持) background-image 也是可以做 RWD 的, 自己写 media query 然后换 URL 就可以了. 但是 media 解决不了 image type 的问题. 比如我想用 webp fallback to jpeg. 这个以前就办不到. 直到 image-set 的出现. background-image: url(".....
Optionally, set the width and height attributes to define the image size. Always add an alt attribute to describe the image. Save the changes to your HTML file. In addition to these basics, images in HTML can be used in various interactive ways, such as creating an image button by placing...
For example, the following means if the viewport is at least 50em (50 times the current font size) wide, the image will be 50em wide. Otherwise, the image will be 100vw (100% of the viewport) wide: Html sizes="(min-width: 50em) 50em, 100vw" Responsive images using image elemen...
sizescan be bigger than the viewport Quick note onsizes. Say you have an effect on your site so that an image “zooms in” when it’s clicked. Maybe it expands to fill the whole viewport, or maybe it zooms even more, so that you can see more detail. In the past, we might have ...
That could work, @SamuelMiller, but the sizes attribute should be left to determine the size of the image, instead of using it to hack and cap image pixel density. And things would get even more complicate when having to manage different image sizes at different media queries, for real. ...
<div data-responsively-lazy="hello world" data-responsively-lazy-type="html"> </div> 5. Specify how close to the viewport an image should be to start loading. <img src="2500.jpg" srcset="" data-responsi...
Image Depending on Browser SizeThe HTML <picture> element allows you to define different images for different browser window sizes.Example <picture> <source srcset="img_smallflower.jpg" media="(max-width: 600px)"> <source srcset="img_flowers.jpg" media="(max-width: 1500px)"> <source ...
You can set the media element’s max-width to 100 percent, and the browser will make the image shrink and expand depending on its container. You should supply the image in the best quality and size possible and then let CSS adapt the image to the right size. XML Copy img, object {...
Convert Absolute Image Size To Relative Image SizeSelect this option to convert the actual width and height of images into percentages. In this way, you can make images used in your project device-friendly and adapt to different device sizes....
This is a simple library that makes HTML Image Maps responsive, so that they automatically stay scaled to the size of the image they are attached to. It detects the window being resized and updates the co-ordinates of the image map accordingly. ...