Bootstrap 4 Bootstrap has been the king of the frameworks for a while and is loved by many for its highly styled element classes. Foundation 6 Foundation offers minimal pre-set styles on elements which makes it easier to apply your own customizations. ...
您可以选择使用Bootstrap或SASS。 不建议在此项目中使用其他技术(例如jQuery,React,Angular或Vue),使用这些技术需要您自担风险。 其他项目将使您有机会使用React等不同的技术堆栈。 我们将接受并尝试修复使用此项目的建议技术堆栈的所有问题报告。 祝您编码愉快! 用户故事1:在H1大小的文本中,我可以看到带有id =“ ...
ri-codepen-line ri-codepen-fill ri-coreos-line ri-coreos-fill ri-dingding-line ri-dingding-fill ri-discord-line ri-discord-fill ri-disqus-line ri-disqus-fill ri-douban-line ri-douban-fill ri-dribbble-line ri-dribbble-fill ri-drive-line ri-drive-fill ri-dropbox...
You have options like the CSS grid, or frameworks like Foundation and Bootstrap. This can be a heated debate at times about which is best. In it's most basic form, I don't think I have a 100% grasp around changing to responsive code improving a 2 column layout like you are asking....
Do you have any questions about using Bootstrap with WordPress, what this navwalker does or something else entirely? You can use the comments form to ask your question or you could click the button below to get a form to send me an email. ...
Editor’s note: Using data-* attributes to control plugin behavior is very popular lately (See Twitter Bootstrap). Would love to hear thoughts on that in the comments. Usage You’ve seen the markup, which is the data table itself with built-in configuration on how it should behave. ...