Validity as in “Does it validate?” according to theW3C Markup Validation Service. Validation is a tool to help you find problems and write better markup. But just because something doesn’t validate doesn’t make it bad or wrong. If invalid code works wonderfully in all browsers, you nor...
A code-free design workflow. Select, click, point, pick and scroll to create websites and pages that are out of this world. Using code-free CSS controls, you can focus on design, while we take care of the code. Share your styles ...
I know Tim from his prolific work on CodePen and from being a helpful community member there. He wrote to me with this guest post about responsive menus which I’m more than happy to share with you below. Not only is it a timely concept, but one of the concepts improves upon a ...
See the Pen [Responsive table - column toggle [forked]]( byAdrian Bece. See the PenResponsive table - column toggle [forked]byAdrian Bece. Conclusion Table complexity and design depend on the use case and the data they display. They generally r...
Quark is your basic building block for creating beautiful, responsive custom themes. It's a simple and elegant starter theme built on HTML5 & CSS3. - maddisondesigns/Quark
DEMO: HTML & CSS Classes tm-effect: If has this class shows fade effects on modal windows and scale effect on main container (if exist). tm-draggable: Defines if the modal window can be dragged. ...
Codepen Profile background image Images: Uifaces Unsplash More by Coderthemes Purchase Single License · $39 Licenses: Details Single $39 Multiple $129 Extended $799 Prices are in US dollars 339 Purchases Compatibility Frameworks and Libraries Bootstrap 4.x Runtimes and Languages JavaScript...
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CodePen Embed Fallback Just how flexible is this? We saw how we were able to make the hexagon and rhombus grids using the exact same code structure, but different variables. Let me blow your mind with another idea: What about making that calculation a variable so that we can easily switch...