RMI(Responsible Minerals Initiative)负责任矿产倡议是负责任商业联盟(RBA)的一项倡议。该倡议已发展成为各行各业解决其供应链中负责任矿产采购问题的最受信赖、应用最广的资源之一。目前有400多家公司加入了RMI成员。 固德公司于2023年11月正式申请加入RMI成员,其目的为了进一步推动云母材料开采到使用的全链条合规性。
SCS Global Services is an approved auditing firm for Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP) by the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI).
been addressing responsible mineral sourcing since 2007 by implementing internal controls on our primary suppliers. In addition, we collaborate with industry-wide initiatives through our membership in theResponsible Business Alliance (RBA)and our active participation in the Responsible Mine...
Vibrantz is proud to be a member of the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI), an initiative of the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA). RMI is one of the most utilized and respected resources for companies from a range of industries addressing responsible mineral sourcing issues in their supply...
冲突矿产报告模板(CMRT) 填写指南 对应CMRT修订版5.0 . 2 目录 简介...3 模板结构...
Since 2014, NXP has been a member of the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) (formerly Conflict-Free Sourcing Initiative (CFSI)). NXP is actively involved in RMI activities including the Smelter Engagement team and the Due Diligence process team. ...
TheResponsible Minerals Initiative's(RMI) Risk Readiness Assessment (RRA) is a self-assessment and self-reporting tool for minerals and metals producers and processors to communicate their environmental, social and governance practices and performance. Its main objective is to promote a common under...
As a corporate citizen of the world, Getac supports the work of the Responsible Minerals Initiative (“RMI”). We commit to eliminate any use of conflict minerals that are mined in areas experiencing armed conflict or under conditions that violate human rights, specifically the 3TGs (tin, tung...
Responsible Mica and Minerals Initiatives Collaborate to End Child Labor and Improve Working Conditions Learn more RESPONSIBLE MICA INITIATIVE Toward a Fair, Responsible and Sustainable Indian Mica Supply Chain. Learn more PROGRAMS Community Empowerment ...
The Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) removed ITSCI from its list of approved traceability schemes on Monday, meaning smelters sourcing minerals through ITSCI will have to do additional due diligence to meet RMI auditing requirements. ITSCI, which is run by the International Tin Associat...