1.be responsible for 对……负责;负责某事 例句:1)Do you want to be responsible for your own life decisions?你是否真的想要为你自己的人生决定负责?2)be responsible for sth.或 be responsible for doing sth.也可表示"负责(做)某事"例:be responsible for sales 负责销售 Our client w...
The manager is responsible for the company's growth. Who is responsible for this mess? The teacher is responsible for the students' safety. Show examples from the web [+] responsible of This is not a correct construction in English.
responsible for responsible of For example: The Central nervous system is responsible for the receiving signals from the Peripheral nervous system. The Central nervous system is responsible of the receiving signals from the Peripheral nervous system. prepositions Share Improve this question Follow asked...
没有be responsible of。be responsible for对……负责;负责某事。responsible 英[rɪˈspɒnsəbl]美[rɪˈspɑːnsəbl]adj.负责的;负责;有责任;承担义务;应受责备;作为原因;成为起因。[例句]We would have thought he would have a more ...
- "Be responsible for" 的影响范围通常限定在特定的任务、工作或行动,涉及与之直接相关的人或事物。- "Be responsible to" 的影响范围通常涉及到上级、领导、组织或个人,需要遵守其指示或向其汇报。例句:- The project manager is responsible for the success or failure of the project.(项目...
而responsible for虽然在语法上其用法(后置修饰词)可以跟in charge of一样(如government officials or other personnel responsible for government affairs),但两者是有实质性差异的:responsible for所“负责”可以是任何性质的事务——工作、任务、职责、违约责...
"be responsible for" 和 "be responsible for doing" 的区别是:"be responsible for" 表示 "对……负责",意思是某人有责任管理、负责或照顾某事物。例如:I'm responsible for the project. (我负责这个项目。)"be responsible for doing" 表示 "对……有责任并要做",意思是某人有责任去做某...
11. Responsible for scheduling and completing all Planned Maintenance Service Agreements on company products as scheduled. 61656;负责策划和执行所有计划内公司机器的维护维修协议 12. Office party: The party in charge of discipline inspection, trade unions, Communist Youth League, women's federations of ...
您好,be responsible for 和 be responsible to 最大的不同处在于其“介词”for 和 to 的区别:be responsible for:使用了“介词”for,表示 be 动词之前的“主语”对于“介词”for 后面接的“人或物”为“主控者”;be responsible to:使用了“介词”to,表示 be 动词之前的“主语”对于“介词...
翻译:”responsible for” and “take responsibility” (Source: 百度翻译互助吧) (answered by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)Question: be responsible for 我的第一反應 應該和take responsibility相近吧 …