of an emergency or crisis and to make appropriate arrangements and permissions formedical care. If neither parents nor Guardian can be contacted, the Housemaster/Housemistress actsin loco parentis– as if they were thelegal Guardianinthe best interests of the child. • To be English speaking ...
17.the responsibility of a guardian or keeper.保护人和监护人的责任。 18.a commissioner appointed to supervise banks; a state superintendent of banks.被任命监督管理银行的行政官员;负责州银行管理机构的银行督察。 相关短句/例句 supervision and liability监管与责任 3)restructuring of regulatory responsibilitie...
In cases where a minor is involved, the suit must be initiated by a party of legal age who has received the proper authority to sue on behalf of the minor. Usually, this party will be a "next friend" or a guardian. If the person bringing suit: Is deemed incompetent, the suit must ...
fiduciary(fĭdo͞oˈshēĕˌrē), in law, a person who is obliged to discharge faithfully a responsibility of trust toward another. Among the common fiduciary relationships are guardian to ward, parent to child, lawyer to client, corporate director to corporation, trustee totrust, and bus...
Generally, there is a provision that states that the principal has to be certified as mentally incapacitated for the power to go into effect. If you do not have a durable power of attorney, if you are unable to make decisions on your behalf, a guardian or conservator can be appointed by...
In most states, a child can only be removed from a special education program in one of two ways. The first is if the child demonstrates during a reevaluation that special education services are no longer needed. The second is if the parent or legal guardian of the child elects to have ...
Parental Rights: Best Interest of the Child Standard in Healthcare Parent Notification Rights for English Learners Parent & Guardian Rights in Student Education Special Education Laws in Texas Endrew F. v. Douglas County School District: Legal Issues & School Psychology Food Allergies in Schools: Fed...
For the industry-education cooperation internships that are conducted in accordance with the government regulations, the intern students who are under 16 years of age must submit the agreement of their legal guardian before entering the factory for internship ...
of China Life Talent Culture A Leader in Service Social Guardian Practicing on Low-carbon Development 03 Accumulation for China Life 30 Sound Governance 50 34 Sustainable Governance 52 40 Responsible Governance 55 42 Table of KPI ESG Index Feedback Form 59 63 66 02 About the Report This report...
Personal Responsibility The Participant and his/her parent(s) or legal guardian(s) certify that Participant has no physical or mental condition that precludes him/her from participating in the Activities and that he/she is not participating against medical advice. Limitation on Responsibilities of...