其实HttpClient还有很多强大的功能: (1)实现了所有 HTTP 的方法(GET,POST,PUT,HEAD 等) ...
I get this error when using persistent connection with high keep_alive_timeout value. Test script: require "http" url = "https://www.google.com/" client = HTTP.persistent(url, timeout: 1000) puts Time.now puts client.get(url).to_s.size s...
using var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(timeout); using var response = await httpClient.SendAsync(request, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead, cts.Token); I pass cancelation token only to SendAsync, I didn't pass it to CopyToAsync. But I would expect when underlying network socket bre...
constructor(private readonly service: LoginService) {} ngOnInit() { this.service.testLogin().subscribe(response => { response.headers .keys() .forEach(keyName => console.log( `The value of the ${keyName} header is: ${response.headers.get( keyName )}` ) ); }); } }Compiling...
我们知道,建立在HTTP2/3之上的gRPC具有四种基本的通信模式或者消息交换模式(MEP: Message Exchange ...
您正在发送GET请求。如果你只需要头部,那么你可以使用HEADrequest。HttpClient的一个示例 ...