一般,response.expires写在页面的最上端,后面跟的是一个时间,就是过期的时间,0表示立即过期。 -1也是一样的道理,即是-9999也是一样的。 如:登陆验证码,使用Response.Expires = -1可以在登陆失败时点后退按钮后让验证码换一个,而不是原先的那一个。 Response.CacheControl = "no-cache" 设置不缓存在临时文件...
no-cahce并不是表示无缓存,而是指使用缓存一定要先经过验证 response header的no-cache和max-age=0和request header的max-age=0的作用是一样的:都要求在使用缓存之前进行验证 request header的no-cache,则表示要重新获取请求,其作用类似于no-store(可能你对这个结论很有怀疑,这不符合no-cache的设定。究其原因,在...
普通报头中的Cache-Control用于指定缓存指令,缓存指令是单向的(响应中出现的缓存指令在请求中未必会出现),且是独立的(一个消息的缓存指令不会影响另一个消息处理的缓存机制),HTTP1.0使用的类似的报头域为Pragma。 请求时的缓存指令包括:no-cache(用于指示请示或响应消息不能缓存)、no-store、max...
No-cache Do not cache this page, even if for use by the same client. No-store The response and the request that created it must not be stored on any cache, whether shared or private. The storage inferred here is nonvolatile storage, such as tape backups. This is not an infallibl...
Describe the bug Just a configuration of the server, today all the static files from the application has no-cache response. I'm running self hosted with raspberry pi 5 for testing, and it took like a minute to start the application. To r...
Gets or sets the Cache-Control HTTP header that matches one of the HttpCacheability enumeration values.
No-cacheDo not cache this page, even if for use by the same client.No-storeThe response and the request that created it must not be stored on any cache, whether shared or private. The storage inferred here is nonvolatile storage, such as tape backups. This is not an infallible ...
($this->noCache) { $cacheControl[]="no-cache"; } if ($this->noStore) { $cacheControl[]="no-store"; } if ($this->noTransform) { $cacheControl[]="no-transform"; } if ($this->mustRevalidate) { $cacheControl[]="must-revalidate"; } if ($this->proxyRevalidate) { $cache...
ResponsessResp=(ServletServerHttpResponse)serverHttpResponse;if(ssResp==null||ssResp.getServletResponse()==null){returnbody;}// 对于未添加跨域消息头的响应进行处理HttpServletResponseresp=ssResp.getServletResponse();resp.setHeader("Cache-Control","no-store");returnbody;}}...