Xizang received aid from across the country, including a medical team from Shanghai, a batch of donated platelets and 50 tonnes of Tibetan tea from neighboring Sichuan Province. A number of monasteries and temples both in and outside Xizang offered donations. ...
an RRC resume message indicating transitioning of the UE from the RRC inactive state to the RRC connected state, wherein the UE is in an inactive state when the RRC resume message is received; and in response to receiving the RRC resume message, releasing the first QoE configuration and resu...
Besides funds and materials allocated by multiple ministries and departments, Xizang received aid from across the country, including a medical team from Shanghai, a batch of donated platelets and 50 tonnes of Tibetan tea from neighboring Sichuan Province. A number of monasteries and temples both in...
@GET @Path("async") public void asyncInvokeServer(@Suspended final AsyncResponse response0) { log.debug("Start"); InvocationCallback<String> callback = new InvocationCallback<String>() { @Override public void completed(String response) { response0.resume(Response.ok("Received response from endp...
print("Received JSON data: \(jsonString)") } else { print("Unable to decode JSON data") } do { let decoder = JSONDecoder() let response = try decoder.decode(UserUndertakingResponse.self, from: data) print("errorCode: \(response.errorCode)") ...
15:17:39.465 [default-nioEventLoopGroup-1-1] TRACE i.m.h.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient - HTTP Client Response Received (200 ) for Request: GET http://localhost:7777/app-auth-proxy/default 15:17:39.466 [default-nioEventLoopGroup-1-1] TRACE i.m.h.client.netty.DefaultHttpClient - Content...
console - how to hide received input? console app program sometimes doesn't get closed. Console app while (true) loop is not looping Console application as a listener on port Console application not closing Console Application with OpenFileDialog Console closing after input itself Console keyboard ...
Received18 July 2023 Accepted12 September 2024 Published21 October 2024 Issue DateDecember 2024 DOIhttps://doi.org/10.1038/s41556-024-01527-3 Springer Nature Limited Share this article Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:Get shareable link Provided by the ...
console - how to hide received input? console app program sometimes doesn't get closed. Console app while (true) loop is not looping Console application as a listener on port Console application not closing Console Application with OpenFileDialog Console closing after input itself Console keyboard ...
The Covid-19 pandemic has been analysed and discussed from many disciplinary perspectives. An aspect that still needs critical exploration is the role—that is, the modes and forms—of regulatory interventions during the pandemic. It is interesting to no