Previous studies have attributed the toxicity of DOC from biochar to the presence of phenolic compounds or low-MW organic acids [89,90] and also to the increase in the amount of organics containing <6 O atoms and 1 N atom per compound when the temperature of production is >300 °C [90...
Immune cells, similar to macrophages and neutrophils, produce oxygen free radicals (ROS) to destroy pathogens, which damage skin structures, and which results in a strong inflammatory response in the immune system, defined as systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) [3]. Innate immunity ...
The application of reactive oxygen species or NO scavengers partly suppressed the inhibitory effects of farnesol on germination. However, NO production was not detected in the hyphae using the Greiss method. An LC/MS analysis also failed to detect DAF-FM-T, a theoretical product derived from DAF...
Like the electron capture detector, to which this instrument is closely related, the ion mobility detector shows an enhanced response to low molecular weight halogenated compounds when a small quantity of oxygen is doped into the make-up gas flow. Under O2 doping conditions, the device can ...
Like the electron capture detector, to which this instrument is closely related, the ion mobility detector shows an enhanced response to low molecular weight halogenated compounds when a small quantity of oxygen is doped into the make-up gas flow. Under O 2 doping conditions, the device can ...
Locally synthesized growth factors, chemokines, and cytokines further promote tumor growth, allowing cancer cells to acquire angiogenic capacity, leading to migration and invasion of other tissues. Blood and lymph vessels are the key components that facilitate the supply of oxygen and nutrients to ...
to increase from the current 35–50 ppb to 42–84 ppb by the end of the century, with occasional peaks above 200 ppb [10,11]. Ozone enters the plant through open stomata, and in the apoplast, it breaks down into reactive oxygen species (ROS), whose excessive formation injures DNA, ...
Briefly, lenses were homogenized (100 mg/mL) in freshly prepared homogenization buffer (50 mM phosphate buffer containing 0.5 mM PMSF, 1 mM EDTA, 1 µM pepstatin, 80 mg/L trypsin inhibitor, pH 7.4). The same amount of homogenate was added to 96-well cell culture plates. To measure ...
to determine the occurrence of oxidative stress, antioxidant enzyme defense system, and oxidative damage to proteins. The beta titanium alloy released the fewest metal ions and did not cause oxidative stress or protein damage. The metal ions from stainless steel and the cobalt-chromium alloy can ...
[127], during drought stress, plants generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) in their chloroplasts and peroxisomes. However, to combat the damaging effects of ROS on cells, plants generate antioxidative enzymes such as superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, catalase, glutathione reductase, and ascorbate ...