ThreeWaysofRespondingtoanOffer(回应发盘的三种方式):①Declining(拒绝接受)②ConditionalAcceptance(Counter-Offer)有条件地接受(还盘)③EntireAcceptance(完全接受)Section1DeclininganOffer 第一节 拒绝发盘 Thelegaleffectofdecliningoffers(拒绝发盘的法律效力):①Theofferisterminated(终止)whenthedecliningletter(...
1、LOGOChapter 5 Response to Offers Business English CorrespondenceBusiness English CorrespondenceReview Response to OffersInformation RelatedSample Letter StudyUseful ExpressionsTranslatingLetter WritingContentsInformation Related Declining an offer1 Conditional Acceptance(Counter-offer)2 Entire Accep 2、tance3...
We read with interest the Letter to the Editor by Pereza and Froelicher and are pleased to respond to the suggestions raised. There has been a great deal of controversy as to appropriateness of the terminology used in association with early repolarization (ER) patterns in the ECG. These seman...
We have for many years discussed the need for prospective double-blind studies of UDCA treatment in patients with CF, but it has been difficult to get acceptance for these studies to date. On the other hand, evidence has been provided of stabilization in progression of CFLD while on UDCA, ...
TranslatingLetterWriting InformationRelated 1 DeclininganofferConditionalAcceptance(Counter-offer)2 3 EntireAcceptance InformationRelated DeclininganofferIfabuyerfeelsthatthegapbetweentheofferandhisexpectationistoowidetobebridged,hemaychoosetodeclinetheofferandendthenegotiation.Silenceandinactivityduringthevalidityofthe...
The version presented here may differ from the published version or from the version of record. If you wish to cite this item you are advised to consult the publisher’s version. Please see the repository url above for details on accessing the published version and note that access may ...
Sample Letter 5 Textbook, P76-77 Writing Steps 1. State your acceptance. (We accept your counter-offer of March 2 and are pleased to confirm having concluded the transaction of the captioned goods with you.) 2. Urge the reader to act as required by the agreement. ...
If you send the revised paper back to the editor quickly, it is still likely to be fresh in his/her mind, and you will probably get a speedy acceptance. MAJOR REVISIONS NEEDED The commonest form of letter is one that lists 2 or 3 sets of referees’ comments, some of which are quite...
Advances in Medical Education and Practice Dovepress open access to scientific and medical research Open Access Full Text Article RESPONSE TO LETTER Letter in Reply [Response To Letter] Michelle K Williams1 Monica R Butcher2 Lisa J Merlo 3 1Department of Psychology, Indiana University-Purdue ...
给科研小白的论文返修模板:cover letter 和 response 这是把reviewer都感动了的返修模板! 一起来GET吧! Reviewer:... Clearly the authors have spent much time and effort in improving the work and the paper. The reviewer is happy with the revision and to suggest acceptance to the work....