v. Sanderson that parties could not engage in a "fishing expedition" on the opposing parties' files, much of the discovery that is the subject of Plaintiff's Motion to Compel seems to be exactly what th...
in response to a subpoena Linguee +人工智能=DeepL翻译器 翻译较长的文本,请使用世界上最好的在线翻译! ▾ 英语-中文正在建设中 in response to— 应...的要求 · 作为对...的回应 response名— 回应名 · 名 · 回答名 response动— 响应动
At first sight, they seem to suggest aluke-warm response,ifnot antipathy, towards making a spouse compellable to testify for the defence. hkreform.gov.hk hkreform.gov.hk 乍看之下 , 調查結果似乎顯示受訪者對將配偶列為可強制的辯方證人一事 反應冷淡,如果不是反感的話。
Testing future policies at the localities before implementing them at the national level is a tool frequently adopted by the Chinese government for verifying whether new national policies can work on a national basis or not. This article examines how loc
Most notably novel response games compel and empower viewers to take part in Television promotions, productions, and programs. Correct responses are generally determined by a Television producer's and SPONSOR'S targeted viewers (e.g. a designated response game point controller). Players receiving a ...
aRemoving the P pair in the mechanism of Fig. 9 yields a single-loop closed chain, Fig. 10, and the motion of its link 4(4′) with respect to the link 1 is rectilinear translation. 在机制去除P对。 9出产量唯一圈闭链。 10和它的链接4 4 ′的(行动) 关于链接1是直线翻译。[translate]...
”5Similarly, legislation is being introduced in some states (as of this writing, Louisiana, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Ohio) to compel insurers to cover business interruption claims attributed to COVID-19. The UK Parliament has raised similar questions.6...
Fibronectin is an extracellular matrix glycoprotein with key roles in cell adhesion and migration. Hsp90 binds directly to fibronectin and Hsp90 depletion regulates fibronectin matrix stability. Where inhibition of Hsp90 with a C-terminal inhibitor, novo
We investigate experimentally and numerically the stochastic dynamics and the time-dependent response of colloids subject to a small external perturbation in a dense bath of motile E. coli bacteria. The external field is a magnetic field acting on a superparamagnetic microbead suspended in an active ...
A release issued Tuesday, Feb. 20, from Sen. Bill Rabon, R-Brunswick, and Rep. David Lewis, R-Harnett, who lead each legislative chamber's powerful rules committees, suggested the General Assembly could compel testimony and subpoena records relating to negotiations between the ...